Kohn Neni, the matriarch of the Kohn clan. Here's the scoop as I know it: Gramps returned from WWI in 1917, and stayed with Kohn Neni, whose son (of her second husband?) was his great friend, Gene Kohn. He was called Uncle Gene, but wasn't a blood relative. Gene and Francis had Alex Kohn, who was a lifelong family friend. Apparently was even sweet on my mother (to no avail). Al had two kids, Sam, and Gene, who were my friends in my teenage years, even though they lived in South Euclid Ohio. I have totally been unable to track them down since. Well, that's not totally true.... Sam sold used cars in Phoneix Arizona around 1980. There are pictures of all these people coming up.... Link to them directly from the bottom of the Nan&Gramps home page....
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